
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Three 12's

So yesterday was my third 12 hour shift in a row. I've done three 12's in a row before without a problem. I've even done four 12's in a row before a few weeks ago without too much of a problem. Well I mean I was exhausted the fourth day, but that was probably because we went to see Eclipse at 10:30 at night after my third day of work. I didn't get home until 1:30 in the morning and then had to get up at 4:45 in the morning to get ready for work again, for the 4th longest day of my life! But seeing Eclipse with my girls was TOTALLY worth it!! I mean Taylor Lautner and his abs are so HOT, and Robert Pattinson...GORGEOUS, need I say more?

Anyways, this third 12 hour shift was ridiculous! The day started out rough which should have told me something. I woke up late! Spilt coffee on my scrubs and had to change. Then I got in my car and started it to find the gas light was on and the need to fill up my tank. Then I got stopped by the train and had to wait at the railroad tracks for the train to pass which felt like forever! I finally got to work in one piece with clean scrubs. I walked in so sleepy! The night shift greeted me with a large yell all at once, "MAGGIE!!! WAKE UP!! You got 12 hours to go!!" Thanks for reminding me guys! Side-note: Since my formal unit of 3 West became combined with 3 South (which is where I originally wanted to be) I have been "floated" to the front end of the unit, and I LOVE it so much more! The night shift loves me and I love them, to the point where I have thought about switching to nights instead of days. But I don't think it would so much work for my social life! Anyways, moving on...

It started out ok because I had my same patients I had for two days. But then things went crazy! I had a patient going for a pacemaker who wasn't going to come back to me. He was going to go to the back of our unit to another nurse because we needed the bed for an ICU Red patient coming up after open heart surgery. Well I saw him on his way back and he was talking to me and everything. He was completely fine. Not 30 minutes later I hear a code being called overhead about him! I sprint down the hallway to find my formally perfect patient unresponsive. Apparently his blood pressure dropped and he was out of it for a little while. He ended up getting WAY too much sedation during his procedure. But he ended up being fine, thank goodness!!

So I now had an empty room that needed to be filled, so with one patient gone, it was my turn for a new admission. And I got the CRAZY gypsy family! There were like 5o family member there who all wanted to be in the tiny little hospital room! I finally made them leave. They were so picky and so particular and kept saying I wasn't doing my job and looking close enough after him. They called me in that room every 5 minutes! I couldn't get anything done! I got so frustrated! I had a job to do, and I felt like I couldn't do it because they kept calling me into that room. I was so tired, hungry, and grumpy and finally I just couldn't take it anymore. (It was 3:00 and I hadn't even gotten to eat lunch yet! And I woke up too late to eat breakfast!) My name kept being called by everyone. Everyone needed me at the same time! I was standing in the nurses station and just broke down! I started crying. After my moment of weakness I was fine. But then I started to think....they asked ME to be a preceptor. How am I going to be a preceptor?! I still don't know what I'm doing, and I can't even keep things under control and I'm supposed to teach someone else how to do that?! That is going to be sooo much fun!! Can you hear the sarcasm?! I mean seriously I haven't even been a nurse for a year and they are asking me to teach a new grad on what to do!!? I think someone may have lost their mind! I mean the good thing is I get a raise, but I could be jeopardizing the life of someone else! I don't know when I get my first preceptee, but it is sometime within the next month. This is gonna get CRAZY!

Anyways, I'm just glad my three days are over. I don't have to go back to work until next Wednesday!! I got 6 days off!!! Spending the weekend in Charleston, SC for a bachelorette party and I cannot wait! I need to get away!

Love ya,

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