Most of my friends have recently begun blogging and writing about their lives in the online world. So I am now following in their footsteps and have been pulled into the blogging world with them. I’m not really sure where this is going to go, but our lives are pretty entertaining to us, so maybe you’ll find it entertaining too. If not then move along and find someone else’s life that seems more interesting to read about. But as for me I’ve added another thing on the Internet for me to keep up with, so we’ll see how it goes…
This is about the life of a 20-something, single girl who has the world at her feet. There have been a lot of changes in my life in the last year, and I have learned a lot about myself. I graduated, got two degrees and finally got a big girl job, I was in a serious relationship of almost five years that came to an abrupt and heartbreaking end (but totally for the best!), I moved out on my own, and I decided to get and raise a puppy…alone.
I went to school in Milledgeville, GA where I spent four years getting a degree that can’t be used for anything, a Bachelor of Science in Biology. Now don’t get me wrong I could have gone on and done research or taught, but let’s face it…research is boring and I could NEVER teach. So instead I went on to get by my BSN at Georgia State. Nursing is much more useful and much more interesting (I’ll have lots of stories from that later). So once landing an awesome job as a cardiac nurse and saving some money, I made a huge decision. I decided to move out, on my own, without a roommate. It was scary deciding whether I could live by myself or not. Part of me was really excited and part of me really nervous. I had never lived alone before. I always had great roommates who were my best friends. I wasn’t sure I could handle being alone that much. But I bit the bullet and took a chance, and I have no idea why I ever doubted myself. I LOVE, I mean absolutely LOVE living alone!! It is so peaceful and all my own. I can do whatever I want, whenever I want, without answering to anyone. And it isn’t like I moved somewhere where I don’t know anyone; I moved less than a mile away from two of my best friends, so it wasn’t like I would never see anyone. I mean we all see each other, ALL the time!
After a few months I debated getting a puppy. I grew up with dogs as a child and couldn’t wait for the day to have my very own. Besides, I am a girl living alone in Atlanta and probably should have some protection. A friend of mine recently decided to move out on her own as well and her dad said she either had to get a dog or he was bringing her a gun. She still doesn’t have either one, but as for me, I went for a dog. I actually got a miniature schnauzer puppy that is now 14 weeks old. Miniature schnauzers are small, but they are a very protective breed. She is still tiny, only 3.8 pounds, and may not be able to do anything to protect me, but she at least lets me know if something is coming. She barks at everything she sees that is out of the norm and everything she hears. She is a handful at times but so sweet and loving. The down side though- raising a puppy alone is tough. It is hard work! All the potty training, chewing, and wanting attention 24/7 is enough to drive anyone crazy, but doing it alone is so hard because it’s just you, there isn’t anyone else to help or give you a break. So puppy training is my newest challenge.
So now that you know a little about me let me get to the real point of my first blog…it’s name. Pink Dragonfly Dreams. Dragonflies are often a symbol of change and a deeper understanding of life. Dragonflies live most of their life immaturely and it only flies for a few months. An adult dragonfly leaves nothing to be desired and does it all in a short period of time. This style of life symbolizes and exemplifies the virtue of living IN the moment and living life to the fullest. As you can see over the past year a lot has changed for me. I have grown as a person. I have learned a lot about myself. I have learned to take chances, and to truly live in the moment because it may be the only one you get. Life is a journey that is meant to embrace and enjoy. And I plan to do just that!
“Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If is changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.”
Love ya,